Vision and Values
Our School Vision
Do all things with love (1 Corinthians 16:14)
Love of Learning, Love of Life and Love for Each Other
Our Aims
- We provide a broad and balanced curriculum which develops each child spiritually, morally, intellectually, creatively, socially and physically through a range of experiences within a loving and secure Christian environment.
- We see each child as an individual, made in the image of God. We address individual needs in order to help explore each person’s talents and fulfil their potential.
- We work actively in partnership with home and school as part of a united St Laurence Church Infant School family where children, families and staff can all flourish.
- This education takes place in a secure and happy environment, one which will provide the children with the foundations necessary for them to take their place successfully as confident, responsible, tolerant and caring members of society.
Rights Respecting School
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is important to our school. We are a Silver ‘Rights Respecting’ School. Informing the choices we make and threaded throughout our curriculum, we teach children about the rights which they and children across the world should expect to have and raise awareness and challenge situations where this does not yet happen.
29:Aims of education
Children’s education should help them fully develop their personalities, talents and abilities. It should teach them to understand their own rights, and to respect other people’s rights, cultures and differences. It should help them to live peacefully and protect the environment.
Birmingham Diocese
Find out more about what being a church school in the Diocese of Birmingham looks like for pupils: