Attendance and Punctuality

Why Attendance Matters

It is the legal duty of parents to ensure that their child receives full time education. This means coming to school on time each day. 

We want St Laurence children to have a “love of learning, life and each other.”  Good attendance is vital to their progress, achievement and developing friendships. Absence and lateness to lessons disrupt the continuity of learning and so affect how well your child does at school.

The designated senior lead for attendance is Mr Joe Staines, Deputy Headteacher.

Attendance at school is carefully monitored because being in school is important to your child’s achievement, wellbeing, and wider development. Research has found that pupils who performed better at school are those with better attendance.

We aim for 96% attendance for each child:

Attendance Expectations

National Framework for Penalty Notices for School Absence

From Autumn 2024, a new national framework for Penalty Notices has been introduced to improve consistency across England. The documents below explain what the national framework is, and how it impacts anybody whose child’s absence from school is not authorised:


Absence from School


For any unplanned absence, such as illness, please inform school by telephone call, email or scholarpack app message by 9.00am on the first day of absence.

If you are unsure if your child is well enough for school, please check the NHS guidance:


Dental and medical appointments should, wherever possible, be made out of school hours. If your child has an unavoidable appointment, please inform the school office as soon as possible.

Please be aware, that although these may be an authorised medical appointment, if your son or daughter misses a morning or afternoon registration, the appointment will affect your child’s overall attendance percentage.

Holidays in Term Time

Leave from school will not be authorised during term time except in exceptional circumstances.  Permission must be applied for in advance using our Term Time Leave Request Form.


The doors to school are open from 8.40am to 8.45am. After this time, your child should enter through the Bunbury Road Entrance.

  • If your child arrives after 8.55am they will be marked as late. Persistent lateness may result in legal action.
  • If your child arrives after 9.10am they will be marked as unauthorised late. Persistent unauthorised lateness may result in legal action.

If your child will arrive late to school, please contact the school office as soon as possible to notify us of the expected arrival time and reason for lateness.


Illness During the School Day

If your child is unwell or has had an accident which needs further medical attention,  we will contact you and ask you to collect them.

Returning to School After an Illness

If your child has been absent please make sure that they are well before returning, especially if the illness is infectious. In the case of sickness or diarrhoea please keep your child at home until they have been free of symptoms for at least 48 hours. We follow NHS guidelines (see link above)

Medication in school:  we are able to give children over the counter (such as paracetamol) and prescribed medications (such as antibiotics) during the school day to help children be in school.  Please handyour child’s medication in to the school office and complete a medication authorisation form.

Supporting Your Child’s Attendance

We are happy to help with any problems you may have regarding attendance and will contact you if we have any concerns.

In the rare cases of frequent or unauthorised absences, and persistent lateness, we will follow the Local Authority Fast Track Scheme as outlined in our Attendance and Punctuality Policy.

Some simple things you can do to support your child’s attendance:

  • Ask your child questions about their day to show an interest and talk positively about school – “Did anything make you laugh today?” “Who was a good friend to you today?” “Did you learn anything new today?”
  • Have a routine for getting up, getting dressed, having breakfast and leaving the house – this reduces the morning stress!
  • Prepare the night before by packing bags, laying out clothes and having a good night’s sleep.
  • Help your child develop friendships by organising play dates or meet-ups with other children in their class.
  • Talk to your child about the importance of attending school to support their learning. Model this by only letting them stay at home if they are truly too ill for school, and by booking appointments after school and in holiday time.
  • Communicate with school if your child has had an upset which is making them feel like they don’t want to come in – usually these issues can be sorted out quickly and we can help reduce the anxiety for you and your child. Speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance, or to one of the SLT who are on the door each morning.
UNCRC Article 28 - Access to Education

By ensuring that children attend school regularly and on time, their right of access to education is upheld (UNCRC Article 28)