
Uniform is important as it can plays a key role in promoting the ethos of a school and providing a sense of belonging and identity.

Our school uniform is royal blue, white, grey and yellow:

  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without the school logo)
  • Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore
  • White polo-shirt (with or without the school logo)
  • Pale blue and white or yellow and white gingham dress in summer
  • White, grey or black socks or tights
  • Black shoes suitable for school, which your child can fasten independently (children should only wear shoes with laces or buckles if they are able to fasten and unfasten them independently)
  • In summer plain black, white, navy or tan sandals suitable for school may be worn instead of shoes.

Our PE kit is royal blue and yellow:

Children wear their PE kit to school on the days of their PE lessons (usually two days each week, which will be notified in advance)

  • Royal blue shorts or jogging bottoms. Please note skorts should not be worn as part of the PE kit.
  • Yellow round-necked t-shirt (with or without the school logo)
  • Trainers with a flexible sole and easy fastening (children should only wear trainers with laces if they are able to tie and untie them independently)
  • Royal blue hoody, cardigan or sweatshirt (with or without the school logo)
  • Optional for dance and gymnastics lessons: black school pumps


  • All items of uniform should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.  Please check periodically names are still readable.
  • Children should bring a book bag (of any colour) to school each day to carry their reading books.  Royal blue book bags with the school logo are available to purchase.
  • Children should NOT bring other bags to school as we do not have room in cloakrooms for storing large bags.
  • A named plastic or metal (not glass) water bottle should be brought each day.
  • Children should have a waterproof coat (of any colour) suitable for the seasonal weather.
  • On sunny days, children should bring a named cap or sunhat and/or sunglasses to wear outside.
  • In colder weather, hats, gloves and scarves (of any colour) may be worn.
  • Any hair accessories and head coverings should be consistent with our school colours
  • If your child has a packed lunch, a lunchbox with a handle which they can carry independently is ideal.
  • Jewellery: children with pierced ears should wear stud earrings only for safety. A small piece of devotional jewellery may be worn.

School Uniform

Grey trousers, skirts or pinafores with a white t-shirt and royal blue sweatshirt, cardigan, or a summer gingham dress.

PE Kit

Yellow t-shirt, hoody, joggers and PE shorts, worn with trainers which the children can fasten themselves.

Buying Uniform

The governing board have considered cost implications and how our uniform policy will affect different groups of pupils: we have made sure that our uniform is inclusive of diversity and affordable.

  • All children can wear any items from the uniform list.
  • All items can be worn with or without the school branding, and can be brought from a range of suppliers and from many supermarkets.
  • Pre-loved uniform is available to buy for a small donation from the PTA by contacting pta@stlrnci.bham.sch.uk, or by visiting the school office.
  • Rubery Schools Community Swop Shop also stock our school uniform and provide pre-loved school uniform with no questions asked.

Suppliers of Branded Uniform