Assessment Results

Here are our assessment results for 2024 (Academic Year 2023/24).

National figures are in brackets.


At the end of Reception, teachers assess children against the 17 Early Learning Goals (ELG) in the EYFS Profile. Children achieving the ELG in all of the prime areas, mathematics and literacy are said to have achieved a ‘Good Level of Development’ (GLD)

The EYFS Profile is not an accountability measure for schools and the DfE does not publish school level results for the Profile.

The results below show the improvement which children make over their time in our Reception classes in relation to the ELGs and GLD. The National Average for GLD in 2023 was 67%

ProgressAttainment on EntryOn Track NovemberOn Track MarchEnd of EYFS
Word Reading14%25%49%60%
Numerical Patterns13%20%52%67%
Achieving good level of development2%6%48%56%

Phonics Screening Checks

Children sit the phonics screening check at the end of Year 1.

This check contains 40 words, 20 real and 20 pseudo-words (alien words).  Children are asked to decode the words to demonstrate their phonic skills. Children who do not pass in Year 1, re-sit the check in Year 2.

We consistently achieve above national average results in the phonics screening checks.

YearReaching Expected Standard
Year 1 (all pupils)83% (79%)
Year 1 (disadvantaged pupils)83% (67%)
Year 2 resits (all pupils)90% (89%)
Year 2 resits (disadvantaged pupils)81% (81%)

Key Stage 1 (End of Year 2)

End of KS1 assessments (SATs) became non statutory from the 2023/24 academic year onwards and statistics are not published at a national level. We continue to assess children in reading, writing and mathematics and compare this to the age related expectations of the National Curriculum.

We are incredibly proud that the percentage of children, including disadvantaged children who achieve age related expectations are above the most recent national figures for all subjects.

SubjectReaching Expected Standard*
Reading (all pupils)72% (68%)
Reading (disadvantaged pupils)62% (54%)
Writing (all pupils)64% (60%)
Writing (disadvantaged pupils)57% (44%)
Maths (all pupils)73% (70%)
Maths (disadvantaged pupils)62% (56%)

*Note: The figure for ‘Reaching Expected Standard’ includes those working ‘At’ and ‘Above’ Expected Standard (ie. at Greater Depth).

School Performance Tables

For further information on our school results see our page on the Government’s School and College Performance comparison website: